Maybe it is because I just got done sorting cattle and a cow slipped and splattered manure all over me, but I sure am fired up today. First, I discover that The Original Muck Boot Company supports HSUS, a company that “claims to save animals”, but in reality only a small fraction of their profits goes to shelters. While this really cheeses me off, it is not what has my blood boiling. It is the Food Babe. Food Babe prides herself on spreading information on America’s food supply when, in reality, all she is spreading is fear. She targets large companies and uses popular food buzzwords to trick people into joining her “food babe army”. The Food Babe targets what she doesn’t understand. Whether it is a word she cannot pronounce or modern farm practice that she knows nothing about, the food babe attacks it. She claims to be an expert, but she has no experience or education in food safety, food science or agriculture. What she does have is a degree in computer science. Computer Science. Oh, and if you try to correct her or offer insight, she will block you from her site. (Yes, I have been blocked).
Her Facebook army consists of over 600,000 people who believe anything she says. This is alarming, but if folks would sit back and think before “liking” and believing every word, the Food Babe might have a few less in her army. And that is the goal of this post, folks; to make you think. Just because you don’t understand something or can’t pronounce a word, doesn’t mean it is bad. Do research, read credible sources or ask a farmer. Don’t fall victim to food buzzwords, scare tactics or misleading labels. Think things through.
Farmers are doing their best to deliver safe, quality products to your table. We feed our families the very food we produce and stand by our products. Don’t let the Food Babe or anyone else confuse you or put fear into your food. If you have any questions regarding food or farming that you think I might be able to help you with, feel free to ask! While I am not an expert on everything, I am sure I can direct you to the right place. 🙂 Here are some other sources that I recommend when it comes to food:
Common Ground
Food Integrity
Nurse Loves Farmer
Genetic Literacy Project
Dairy Doing More