I recently had the opportunity to write for the Progressive Dairyman and wanted to share my words with you 🙂 I have been blogging and using social media to share my farm story for quite a few years now. When I first started, I knew that there were going to be people who didn’t like […] We describe in this article Modern-day Farm Chick – Page 3 – Sharing stories from my modern-day farm life
I have been keeping a secret from you guys. It’s a big one. Are you ready for it? We are building a new free-stall barn and manure pit! This new naturally ventilated barn will replace our older, greenhouse-style barns and allow us to milk 100 more cows. We are super duper excited and I […]
I recently had the opportunity to write a little somethin’-somethin’ for the AgChat Foundation. Follow the link to the original post and learn how a welcoming farm sign and well-manicured entry can make a good first impression when it comes to consumers who may be cruising by. AGvocacy at its finest! 🙂 What Does […]
If you are anybody who is anybody, you have probably heard a thing or two about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is also pretty likely that you have some reservations when it comes to GMOs. There is a lot of negativity and fear associated with genetic engineering and it is hard for me to understand […]
Goodness, gracious! It is hotter than a two-dollar pistol out here! With highs in the nineties and some wicked humidity, everyone here at the farm is a wee bit cranky. I hate the heat, my hair hates the heat and, most importantly, the cows hate the heat! A perfect day for a cow? A […]
Howdy friends! I really don’t have anything exciting to share with you, but wanted to make sure you are all getting my email updates. I have made some updates to my blog in the last few months and am still trying to navigate through it all. I am basically clueless when it comes to this […]
Lawd Almighty! It has been a crazy week! It started last Friday with my sister’s wedding festivities. Boy, was it a good time, but I had a three-day hangover! On the same day as my sister’s wedding, we heard that my husband’s grandpa passed away. Our hearts were filled with sorrow and joy. Sorrow to have […]
This spring, my Facebook newsfeed has been flooded with videos and photos of dairy farmers letting their cattle out to pasture for the first time this season. They are fun and beautiful videos to watch; the cows frolicking onto green grass with blue skies in the background. They are happy cows, no doubt. Now here […]
Look, not every day on the farm is calf kisses and cow scratches. Though I tend to post a lot of cute photos of me and the family hanging at the farm, there are days that aren’t so pretty. Employees can screw up, your husband might tick you off, and the cows might test your patience. […]

I have some exciting news to share with you all today! We recently invested in some new technology at the farm and it has made farm life a breeze. I have collaborated with Calf-Star and Mlsna Dairy Supply on this post to share how we use the Milk Taxi to feed our calves. I’m not going […]