Butter glue: How to make butter glue?

make butter glue

Butter glue, by knowing how to make? You can create a fun mass that can be greased, or cut with a knife. We offer to make butter glue with glue, without, from clay, plastic, and shaving foam.

Translated from English, the word butter means butter and that is why the next slime was named that way. By looking at how to make butter glue, you can create this fun mass that spreads over your hands and table.

How to make clay butter glue?

Buy this main ingredient. It is best to use Soft Clay.


  • Half a pack of clay from Soft Clay;
  • 250 g PVA glue;
  • 8 g sodium tetra borate;
  • 2, 5 gr. l. hand cream;
  • 75 ml of water.

Put the glue in a bowl, add water here and stir. Put hand cream in this container, and mix again. Now add some tetra borate. Stir well. If the activator helped the mass to thicken, do not add it anymore. If not, add a little more tetra borate and stir.

When the mass becomes thicker, knead it so that it becomes elastic and does not stick to the hands. Then place the clay on top and mix thoroughly. When the result suits you, you can complete this process and admire the kind of butter glue you got. It can also be created with other components.

How to make butter paste at home from plasticine?

This mass will allow the butter glue to spread well and retain its shape. But it is better to use lightweight plastic. Check out the composition of this butter paste.


  • 60 g shower gel;
  • 170 g PVA glue;
  • 500 ml hot water;
  • 20 ml of boric acid;
  • 5 g of baking soda;
  • Food coloring.

Place the jelly and glue in a suitable container. Stir mass until smooth. Drop some coloring here, also work with a spatula.

In another container, mix water and baking soda, separate 30 ml of this solution, and add it to the glue mass. Then pour boric acid here, and knead this mucus. It should become homogeneous and thicken.

Take light plastic, based on the volume it will be half the mass previously created. Mix everything together and then work by hand to give the butter glue the desired consistency. If you do not have glue on the farm at the moment, or you just do not like this part, then we recommend making butter glue without it. The rest of the components are very affordable and can be found in almost every home.

Butter glue without glue at home

To make butter glue without this component,


  • 2 tbsp. l. shampoo;
  • 3 tbsp. l. strength;
  • Coloring optional;
  • 1 teaspoon baby oil;
  • Appropriate container and spatula or spoon.

First mix the shampoo with baby oil, add the starch here and stir again. If you want to add color, add it when creating a mass of shampoo and oil. Use your hands to make great butter glue without glue.

If you add a brown color, the consistency will be similar to the chocolate puree. Pamper your friends by putting this Mass in a sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread. Jar. But do not let them try mucus in the mouth, warn them in time.

How to make butter paste from light plastic?

For the preparation of such slime, light plastic is also perfect. Then the finished product will be beautiful and shiny.


  • Lightweight plastic;
  • 200 ml stationery glue;
  • 150 ml shampoo;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • A little body oil;
  • Appropriate capacity;
  • 30 ml of tetra borate.

Take as much plasticine as you want the mucus to be. Put this component in a container and add glue here. After mixing these two ingredients, add water and mix well.

Now it is time to pour out the shampoo and knead again. When tetra borate is added, the mass will thicken before our eyes. Then it will be possible to knead it by hand.

To make the butter glue more resin, add a little oil here. And so that it does not stick to your palms when you knead, add a little baking soda.

 make butter glue
make butter glue

How to make plastic foam slime at home?

It will help your creativity to be airy and pleasing to the touch and look.


  • 14 gr. l. shaving foam;
  • 380 ml of PVA glue;
  • 6 tbsp. l. sodium tetra borate;
  • 4 tbsp. l. hand cream;
  • 40 g of plasticine.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Put the glue in the prepared container, add the cream here and stir. Now put the foam here and stir too.
  • It remains to pour in sodium tetra borate in small doses and see if the mass thickens well. If not, add more of these elements.
  • Stir the mucus well with your hands. If it also gets stuck in your hands, adds a little baking soda. It remains to put plasticine here, how to mix it.

If you take a white plastic line, the final glue will come from this color. You can add various decorations here to further decorate the slime.

How to make butter paste at home – useful tips

  • To keep the butter glue in its original form, wash your hands before using it. Because there may be dust and some kind of dirt on them. And if these substances get into the structure of this mucus, then its properties will gradually change.
  • If the mucus is dry, oily, and badly broken, add a little hot water or baby soap to it and stir. And if the mucus started to stick to your palm, drop a few drops of the activator and stir it too.
  • Store the butter glue in a container that must be tightly closed. Then this creation will not dry up.

Now we know how to make butter glue from junk. We invite you to watch the process from the side by posting a video of the preparation of this anti-stress program.


The second mucus is no less sweet. You will make it from lightweight plastic. If you take pink, you get a pretty delicate color.



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