Howdy friends!
I really don’t have anything exciting to share with you, but wanted to make sure you are all getting my email updates. I have made some updates to my blog in the last few months and am still trying to navigate through it all. I am basically clueless when it comes to this computer technology stuff! I just want to write, ah! Somebody pour me a drink.
Anywho if you received an email update from me with this latest post, would you mind commenting on it? I don’t care what you say. Tell me how cool I am. Tell me your dog’s name. Share your favorite joke. Whateves. I just want to know you are there!
Do smell what I am steppin’ in?
I’m still working out a few kinks. It seems as though my “Contact Me” form and “Sign up for email updates” form are not working. Hopefully I will get that resolved quickly and can be on my way to talking about more important stuff with you guys.
Like cows, poop and cheese.