
I am a proud farm girl and feel blessed to live such a lifestyle, but let’s be honest: the farm girl life ain’t always easy; we have our problems.  Problems only other farm girls can understand.  Let’s take a minute to show some sympathy for all the farm girls and farmgirlproblems out there.


1. It is not unlikely to go days, weeks, or possibly months without doing your hair or make-up.

2. You have a closet full of beautiful clothes, but they only get worn once in a blue moon.  By the time you get a chance to wear all your summer clothes, clothing stores are coming out with their fall lines.

3. Operating a skid steer or tractor requires a sports bra.  After a spring thaw and freeze, you may want to double up.

4. If you wear mascara in the winter, it will freeze, thaw, melt down your face and leave you looking like a street walker.

5. It is impossible to make plans too far in advance because you never know when you will be making hay or harvesting.

6. After a long, hot, summer day on the farm you get home, look at yourself in the mirror, and think, “Man, I got a nice tan today!”. After showering you realize that was all dirt and you are still as white as a ghost.

7. The tan lines you do have, are not the kind boys sing about in country songs.

8.  At the end of the day, you find enough hay in your bra to produce a small square.

9. On average, you talk to animals more than people.

10. A manicure will NOT last more than one day, but you keep painting your nails to hide the dirt.  It is a vicious cycle.

11. Animals will mistake your hair for hay and try to eat it.

12. Your city friends think you are over-sharing when you say, “Swing into Fleet Farm, I need some rubbers.”.

13. Your city friends fail to understand what shade of yellow resembles calf scours.

14. You must plan major events around planting, harvest, and Expo.

15. With so many layers, going to the bathroom in the winter is a twenty-minute process. Oh, and peeing outside? Been there, done that.

16. You lay awake in bed wondering if you locked the gate.

17. Running late for events is common and Freebreeze sometimes substitutes for a shower.

18. Try and keep your vehicle clean; forget about it.

19. Your pregnant city friends will say things like, “I’m in my second trimester.” and you will be screaming in your head, “What? Just tell me how many days carrying calf you are!”.

20. There will come a day when your favorite barn jeans will be hanging by a thread and have to be retired.  It will feel like the end of the world.

21. Callouses, cuts, scars…man hands.  Just man hands.


Okay, so maybe these aren’t major problems, but I think they are issues that only other farm girls can understand.  Being a farm girl ain’t easy, but someone has to do it!  Cheers to all the farm girls out there; FARM ON!